"Grasping Preprints: An Essential Element of Open Science"

“Grasping Preprints: An Essential Element of Open Science”

# Open Science Essentials in 2 Minutes, Part 4: Preprints

In the academic sphere, disseminating research swiftly and broadly can be transformative. Historically, research articles undergo extensive peer review prior to publication in journals, often resulting in delays. In contrast, **preprints** provide a quicker route to exposure, enabling scholars to share their outcomes even before they are formally published.

### What Are Preprints?

A **preprint** represents a fully developed, yet unpublished, iteration of a research paper. Rather than awaiting peer review and journal publication—a potentially prolonged undertaking—you can publicly post your preprint on platforms like [PsyArXiv](http://psyarxiv.com/), a component of the [Open Science Framework (OSF)](https://mindhacks.com/2017/11/09/open-science-essentials-the-open-science-framework/).

By sharing your work on a **preprint server**, you facilitate easy access for others to discover, read, and reference your research. Such servers also maintain a rich archive of ongoing projects or those pending formal peer review, allowing you to locate fresh and pertinent studies in your area as well.

### Why Preprint?

There are numerous factors contributing to the rising popularity of preprinting across various academic areas:

1. **Accelerated Dissemination**: Your findings become available to others almost instantaneously, which can be especially vital for early-career researchers eager to make their mark.
2. **Citable**: Individuals can reference your preprint, and platforms like Google Scholar frequently consolidate these citations with those from your eventual journal article.
3. **Initial Feedback**: Posting your work on preprint servers permits other researchers to evaluate your findings prior to formal publication, potentially identifying mistakes or offering suggestions for enhancement.

While preprints have long been a cornerstone in physics, they are increasingly prevalent in disciplines such as psychology, biology, and the social sciences.

### What Happens After My Paper Is Published?

Once your paper transitions from preprint to official publication in a peer-reviewed journal, **both versions will likely coexist**. Journals usually provide the final, typeset edition, while the preprint remains online as a free, accessible version. This dual presence is advantageous since the non-paywalled preprint helps reach a larger audience, enhancing the chances of receiving citations.

If you upload a version of your manuscript after it has been approved for publication, it is termed a **postprint**.

### How Does Copyright Factor In?

Numerous journals assert copyright over the final formatted iteration of your manuscript, which can restrict you from posting the official PDF on your website or a preprint server. Nonetheless, most journals allow you to share a previous version that maintains the same *substance* but differs in *formatting*. Always consult the policy of your selected journal.

### Will Posting a Preprint Hurt My Chances of Formal Publication?

Generally, **no**. The majority of journals now accept or even encourage preprints. Although a few journals still resist this trend, they are in the minority. If you are unsure about a specific journal’s position, useful databases like [SHERPA/RoMEO](http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php) provide convenient tools to verify journal policies regarding preprints.

### What About “Getting Scooped”?

A frequent worry is that releasing a preprint may lead competitors to “scoop” your findings. However, posting on a preprint server timestamps your work, thereby **establishing priority** for your discoveries.

That said, in exceptionally competitive fields, some researchers opt to keep their work confidential until after publication. In such scenarios, a preprint might not be the best choice.

### When Should You Upload a Preprint?

To maximize visibility, many recommend uploading a preprint **when you submit your article to a journal**. Additional preprints can be published with each new submission and upon acceptance, transitioning into a postprint following both acceptance and official peer review.

### Are Preprints Vulnerable to Low-Quality Submissions?

It is indeed possible for virtually anyone to upload content to a preprint server, regardless of the work’s rigor. This raises questions about the quality of shared content. Nevertheless, researchers’ reputations are their greatest asset, so posting subpar or fraudulent work could result in more harm than good.

Ultimately, integrity and peer review continue to hold significant importance after the distribution of research regarding preprints.

### Conclusion

Preprints serve as an excellent instrument in the **open science toolkit**, facilitating quicker dissemination and broader access for academic endeavors. They help establish priority around discoveries, encourage constructive feedback, and offer wider availability, ensuring that more individuals—both within and beyond academia—can gain from your research. Most journals nowadays are receptive to preprints, so seize this opportunity to expedite scientific progress!

### Relevant Links:
1. [Pre-registration](https://mindhacks.com