Teaching enzymes new reactions through genetic code expansion and directed evolution

Teaching enzymes new reactions through genetic code expansion and directed evolution

Can scientists design and engineer artificial enzymes to make the chemicals that society needs, with the selectivities and efficiencies of natural enzymes? That’s the ultimate question motivating research in Anthony Green’s lab at the University of Manchester, UK. ‘We specialise in designing enzymes that have catalytic functions beyond those found in nature,’ explains Green. His […]

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Hydrogen dimers finally detected at room temperature

Hydrogen dimers finally detected at room temperature

A team in France has detected hydrogen dimers – one of the simplest molecular complexes – at room temperature for the first time.1 Researchers first recorded direct spectroscopic evidence of van der Waals hydrogen dimers, (H2)2, in the infrared spectrum of molecular hydrogen at 20K in 1964.2 The dimers were then detected in the atmospheres […]

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US–China science and technology accord expires, maybe for the last time

US–China science and technology accord expires, maybe for the last time

The Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement (STA) between the US and China that has been in place for about 45 years, and lapsed back in February, officially expired in late August, perhaps for the final time. The State Department said that the US and Chinese governments remain in communication about the agreement, including ‘the necessary […]

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Tea tree oil faces ban in UK and EU over reprotoxicity

Tea tree oil faces ban in UK and EU over reprotoxicity

Tea tree oil is under threat of being banned in the UK and EU after assessments by regulators have found that it is toxic to reproduction. Industry representatives are challenging the proposals, claiming the animal data showing tea tree oil’s health effects does not apply to humans. With its distinct fragrance and antimicrobial properties, the […]

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US industry braced for change as election looms

US industry braced for change as election looms

As the US gears up to select a new president in November, representatives from the chemistry-using industries have mixed feelings about their prospects under either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. The prevailing sentiment among academic scientists and research advocates across the country is that another four-year term for Trump would be disastrous. Trump’s record of […]

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From τὰ φυσικά (ta physika) to physics – XXIX

From τὰ φυσικά (ta physika) to physics – XXIX

In the most recent episodes, we have been looking at developments in mechanics during the sixteenth century. Today we are going to turn to a different branch of what would become physics and cast a light on the development of optics in the sixteenth century. We left optics in the high middle ages with the […]

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