### Exploring the Psychology Theory Surge on Twitter: A Collection of Essential Suggestions
The psychology sector on Twitter has progressively transformed into a lively platform for dialogue concerning research, methodologies, and particularly theories. A recent thread started by **Ekaterina Damer** sparked an energetic conversation among psychologists, centering on the subject of theoretical endeavors in psychology. This resulted in a flurry of recommendations, ranging from traditional texts to modern discussions regarding the creation, assessment, and enhancement of psychological theories. Below, we have gathered the main inputs shared during this dialogue, alongside links to the original works and concise descriptions. Whether you are an experienced psychologist or an inquisitive interdisciplinary scholar, this curated compilation offers a foundation for engaging with theory development in the discipline.
### **Grasping Theory in Psychology: Fundamental Readings**
#### **1. Conceptual Frameworks for Psychological Explanations**
– **Suggested by Iris van Rooij**
*Robert Cummins: [“How does it work?” vs. “What are the laws?” Two perspectives on psychological explanation](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f5b1/b05e8313aee94ccd98e80eab3ec56dbd2c97.pdf)*
Cummins examines two opposing viewpoints on psychological explanations—mechanistic “how” explanations and law-like “what” constructs—emphasizing their significance for the development of theory in psychology.
#### **2. Individual and Collective Journeys in Theory Development**
– **Suggested by Ed Orehek**
*K. J. Gergen & S. J. Gergen: [Theory Construction in Social Personality Psychology: Personal Experiences and Lessons Learned](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327957pspr0802_1)*
This article reflects on the personal and collective journeys involved in theory development within social personality psychology, highlighting insights that can guide current and forthcoming theoretical efforts.
#### **3. Insights on the Future of Psychology’s Theoretical Landscape**
– **Suggested by Djouria Ghilani**
*Gerd Gigerenzer: [Personal Reflections on Theory and Psychology](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0959354310378184)*
Gigerenzer critiques traditional theoretical approaches in psychology while proposing avenues for the discipline to adopt stronger theoretical underpinnings.
#### **4. The Collected Works of Barry Markovsky**
– **Suggested by Djouria Ghilani**
*[Barry N. Markovsky’s Selected Works](https://works.bepress.com/barry_markovsky/)*
Markovsky’s contributions cover themes such as social relational theory and the appraisal of theoretical frameworks. His work continues to be a valuable resource for those interested in refining theoretical inquiries.
### **Meehl’s Canon: A Theoretical Bedrock**
Paul Meehl stands as a crucial figure in the philosophy of science within psychology, and numerous contributors in the dialogue underlined his unmatched contributions.
1. **[Theory-testing in psychology and physics: A methodological paradox](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/074theorytestingparadox.pdf)**
2. **[Evaluating and refining theories: The strategy of Lakatosian defense and two principles that support it](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/147appraisingamending.pdf)**
3. **[Why summaries of research on psychological theories can often be ambiguous](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/144whysummaries.pdf)**
Meehl’s work elucidates fundamental obstacles in theory assessment, including the mechanisms through which theories can be protected from falsification while promoting scientific rigor.
– **Extended Summaries**: For those who prefer condensed insights, **PsychBrief** offers thorough summaries of Meehl’s philosophical contributions on their blog ([PsychBrief summaries](http://psychbrief.com/meehl-videos-papers/)).
### **Wider Perspectives on Theoretical Constructs**
#### **5. Clarifying What Theory Is (and Is Not)**
– **Suggested by Burak Tunca**
*R. Sutton & B. Staw: [What Theory is Not](http://haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/papers/stawtheory.pdf)*
This paper debunks prevalent misconceptions surrounding theory, defining what does—and does not—constitute a sound theoretical framework.
#### **6. Heuristics for Generating Hypotheses**
– **Suggested by Kimberly Quinn**
*W. J. McGuire: [Creative hypothesis generating in psychology: Some practical heuristics](http://sing.stanford.edu/cs303-sp11/papers/mcguire_hypothesis_gen.pdf)*
McGuire provides useful heuristics for generating hypotheses, essential for inspiring innovative and testable theories in psychological research.