"The Transition from Techniques to Theory: Tackling the Rising Crisis in Research and Academia"

“The Transition from Techniques to Theory: Tackling the Rising Crisis in Research and Academia”

### A Curated Guide to Recommendations on Psychological Theory Discussions

In recent times, the field of psychology has undergone considerable changes, not only in its approaches but also in how theories are formulated, discussed, and substantiated. These advancements, intensified by the influx of conversation on social media networks such as Twitter, have encouraged both established researchers and new academics to exchange and contemplate significant theoretical materials. A discussion started by psychologist Ekaterina Damer resulted in a wealth of valuable suggestions from psychologists on Twitter, culminating in a comprehensive collection of theoretical documents in psychology. Below, we encapsulate these insights, offering organized commentary on the chief recommendations.

### **Psychological Explanation: The “How” and the “What”**

– **Robert Cummins**’ article, *“How does it work?” vs. “What are the laws?” Two conceptions of psychological explanation* ([recommended by Iris van Rooij](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f5b1/b05e8313aee94ccd98e80eab3ec56dbd2c97.pdf)), acts as a crucial piece in comprehending two divergent models of explanation in psychology. Cummins examines whether psychological theories ought to pursue mechanistic understanding (“how”) or aim to identify general principles (“what”), a discussion fundamental to theoretical integrity.

### **Lessons from Social and Personality Psychology**

– **Ed Orehek** emphasized *Theory Construction in Social Personality Psychology: Personal Experiences and Lessons Learned*. This article, published in the *Personality and Social Psychology Review,* offers practical perspectives and reflections from prominent theorists regarding the obstacles and achievements faced during the formulation of theories in social and personality psychology ([read more here](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327957pspr0802_1)).

### **Gigerenzer’s Reflections on Theory**

– **Djouria Ghilani** suggested reading Gerd Gigerenzer’s *Personal Reflections on Theory and Psychology* ([published here](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0959354310378184)). Gigerenzer, a leading voice in the field, explores the epistemological and methodological dimensions that shape contemporary psychological theory, notably advocating for a rigorous assessment of normative models.

– Another significant inclusion in this realm comes from **Barry N. Markovsky**, whose *Selected Works* are regarded as valuable for investigating various theoretical frameworks and empirical strategies ([available here](https://works.bepress.com/barry_markovsky/)).

### **Paul Meehl’s Essential Legacy**

Paul Meehl, a prominent figure in psychological methodology, received notable acclaim. Meehl’s research was deemed crucial for any psychologist looking to engage with theoretical development and evaluation. A selection of key papers was highlighted:

1. *Theory-testing in psychology and physics: A methodological paradox* ([linked here](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/074theorytestingparadox.pdf)).
2. *Appraising and amending theories: The strategy of Lakatosian defense and two principles that warrant it* ([click here to read](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/147appraisingamending.pdf)).
3. *Why summaries of research on psychological theories are often uninterpretable* ([available here](http://meehl.umn.edu/sites/g/files/pua1696/f/144whysummaries.pdf)).

Furthermore, the blog [PsychBrief](http://psychbrief.com/meehl-videos-papers/) by Iris van Rooij and others offers summarized insights and video presentations about Meehl’s concepts.

### **Critical Reflection: What Theory is Not**

To delineate the limits of theoretical work, **Burak Tunca** recommended *What Theory is Not* by Robert I. Sutton & Barry M. Staw ([read the full paper here](http://haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/papers/stawtheory.pdf)). This article investigates misunderstandings surrounding theory in psychology, aiding researchers in differentiating between solid theoretical contributions and simply recounting findings.

– Likewise, Valerie Gray Hardcastle’s *How to Build a Theory in Cognitive Science* provides a systematic framework for constructing cognitive theories, as pointed out by **Joshua Skewes**.

### **Specialized Contributions in Social Psychology**

– **Randy McCarthy** advocated for examining Chapter 1 of *Theory and Explanation in Social Psychology* by Gawronski & Bodenhausen (2015). This opening chapter highlights the framework for developing explanatory models in social psychology, reinforcing its significance as a modern resource.

– Another seminal work is McGuire’s article, *Creative Hypothesis Generating in Psychology: Useful Heuristics* ([read the full text here](http://sing.stanford.edu/cs303-sp11/papers/mcguire_hypothesis