"Mechanochemical Method Facilitates Recovery of Consumable Proteins from Moor Grass"

“Mechanochemical Method Facilitates Recovery of Consumable Proteins from Moor Grass”

# Grass-Based Protein Extraction: A Sustainable Food Source?

In the pursuit of sustainable food production, researchers have illustrated how **mechanochemistry** can be employed to extract **edible proteins** from moor grass, a grass species commonly found in the UK. Their pioneering method presents a potential answer to the urgent demand for alternative protein sources as the global population expands and traditional food systems face challenges. They have demonstrated that grass – often viewed as inedible by humans – can serve as the foundation for food.

**‘What thrills me is that we demonstrate that grass can be utilized to create the building blocks for food,’** states [Bernardo Castro-Dominguez](https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/bernardo-castro-dominguez), an engineer at the University of Bath, UK, and co-leader of the study. His team’s approach is a major advancement, providing hope for the development of more sustainable food systems.

## **The Need for Alternative Protein Sources**

With the Earth’s population increasing and transitioning towards a more protein-rich diet, the requirement for nutritious, sustainable protein sources rises. Environmental issues such as deforestation, water depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions are closely associated with traditional protein farming practices like livestock and crop production. **Plant-derived proteins** are viewed as a viable answer. For years, the extraction of edible proteins from grasses has been investigated, although many conventional methods have drawbacks.

**’Many of the traditional methods utilize very harsh solvents or chemicals to disrupt the cell walls,**’ explains Castro-Dominguez. While these strategies are effective for protein extraction, they present challenges for food quality. **’Once subjected to these severe conditions, vitamins and proteins tend to deteriorate,’** he remarks. Proteins and other nutrients may lose their beneficial properties, rendering the extracted material less suitable for human use. **‘We aim for proteins that remain in optimal condition for human consumption,’** he stresses.

## **Mechanochemistry: A Greener Approach**

Aiming to overcome these hurdles, Castro-Dominguez and his research team have created a **mechanochemistry-based extraction technique**. This method involves a sodium carbonate-assisted grinding process, leveraging physical force instead of harsh chemicals. As Castro-Dominguez explains, **‘Think of the grinding done with a pestle and mortar to mechanically break down, rather than chemically degrade, the grass structure and extract the beneficial components contained within the grass.’**

Mechanochemistry offers the advantage of milder conditions, helping to maintain the integrity of proteins and other essential compounds such as vitamins by steering clear of extreme environments that may degrade them. This cleaner alternative has the potential to revolutionize protein production in a way that is more nutritionally and functionally viable, particularly in light of future food production needs.

[Benu Adhikari](https://www.rmit.edu.au/contact/staff-contacts/academic-staff/a/adhikari-professor-benu), a food engineering specialist from the University of Queensland, Australia, commended the team’s efforts: **‘They have put forth, with supporting evidence, a gentler and superior technology for protein extraction.’** According to Adhikari, mechanochemistry represents a **‘great advancement’** compared to conventional extraction methods, which frequently lead to protein degradation.

## **Amino Acid Profile: An Umami-Rich Substitute?**

The protein fractions extracted from the grass have undergone meticulous analysis, showcasing exciting potential for various food uses. One of the remarkable discoveries is the **high level of glutamic acid**, an **amino acid** that imparts the appealing **umami** flavor to foods. The presence of glutamic acid indicates that grass-based protein could enhance foods like plant-based meat alternatives or savory snacks, improving their flavor naturally without the need for artificial additives.

Interestingly, the amino acid profiles in grass-derived proteins were found to align closely with those of other widely used plant proteins, such as soy and oat proteins. Castro-Dominguez’s team proposes that these proteins might replace soy proteins without sacrificing nutritional quality or content. **Soy protein** is prevalent in vegan and vegetarian products, but its production presents several environmental challenges due to the energy, water, and land demands it entails. Grass, conversely, has the potential to offer a more sustainable and adaptable alternative.

## **Benefits for High-Temperature Cooking**

A significant benefit of the mechanochemical extraction process is its capacity to produce proteins with greater **thermal stability** than those acquired through traditional methods. Castro-Dominguez noted that unlike alkaline extraction, the mechanochemical technique **’retains the chains a bit longer or in better condition,’** enabling the protein to endure higher temperatures. This enhanced durability can be particularly advantageous for foods that necessitate **